Yummy Sweet Bar provides perfect sugar taste for drinks, cocktails.
This sweetener points out the flavour-world of the ingredients, unlike other sweeteners that rather suppress them. Instantly dissolves, so it is perfect substitution for cocktail syrups. Great advantage is the nonexpensive price compared to syrups, and zero calories drinks can be made with it.
It provides such a good taste for drinks that even non diabetic consumers will not realize the difference.
No calories. No carbs. No aftertaste. No aspartame.
One bottle replaces 25 kg of sugar! It’s really intense; you only have to use a tiny pinch instead of a teaspoon of sugar. That’s why we provide a small measuring spoon with each bottle of Yummy: it makes it easy to get the amount right.
- 0 sugar, 0 calories, 0 glycemic index
- Dissolves easily: dissolves well even in cold drinks or ice cream
- Heat-resistant: it does not change its taste due to heat
Before you use Yummy Sweet Bar, please make sure you read the instructions about measurements. Yummy is extremely intense, and if it tastes something else than sugar, you’ve probably used too much.
One spoonful is 0,07g which equals the sweetening power of 12g sugar (about a tablespoon).